Feb 14, 2009

We are a Happy Family

We had a Great Valentines Day. All I wanted was a date with my Valentine and NO kids. That's what I got. We had a fun night of dinner and a movie. It was wonderful, but I do admit that when the movie was over I couldn't wait to go and get my little monkeys. My mom and dad took my kids along with my brothers 2 and my sisters 2 kids. They had a house full. The kids had so much fun with all of their cousins and their Gramps and Gram.


Anonymous said...

HI Marley I love your brother he is cute. Right
me on our blog it is www.berntski.blogspot.
.com it is almost Ant boos Birthday. Do you
dream of chocolate? I have been watching
cars all day! did you go to church today?
I did we watched a show and colored. It was
a little bit boring. I read with my grandma
and tomorrow we are going to make cupcakes. We do not no what kind love
Annie!!!!! p.s. blog me back!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the family pictures. You all lok great.

Scott said...

You guys are THE cutest!! I love the crazy family picture...it's more realistic. JUST KIDDING! You both know you're gorgeous and so are all of your kids! We too, got a night away from the kids. We went with 2 other couple to Donnelly to a cabin. It was alot of fun but we were missed our kids as well.Nat

Stephanie said...

Cute pics of you guys, Les. Glad you had a nice Valentine's Day date with your hubby. You look amazing by the way.

Cassie and Chad said...

SO DANG CUTE!!! What a great family you have.

--- The Lisby Family --- said...

What cute pictures! You have such a cute family. Congratulations on the arrival of Koen. I'm glad he's letting you get some sleep. That's so thoughtful. :)

Amishka said...

Cute Cute Pictures. I love Koen's 6 week old baby pictures too.