Jun 12, 2007

The Spiderman Boy

So when Boden was one years old he was Spiderman for halloween. Crazy thing happened, he grew and grew and now the spiderman outfit does not fit, as you can see, it is like 5 sizes too small. Do you think that a three year old boy understands that this ultra tight outfit does not fit him anymore. No, not at all, he LOVES it. He wears it ALL THE TIME. I try and hide it, tuck it away somewhere, but he, or his sister find it, and it is spandex time all over again. Sheeesh!


Becky W. said...

Oh my goodness, this is hilareous! I can see on his face that he sees no problem with the too small suit. How cute. I also love Piper's rosy cheeks from two posts ago. Gosh, you have such cute kids!

Anonymous said...

We want him to wear the spiderman costume when you come up this weekend, just in case the bad guys show up, bo will save us.